and you see a lot of traffic. both sides the roadway backedup tonight at 6:13. in your car, did you knowyou could get insurancediscounts for dash cams?some car announce companiesalready do offer them but aproposal in albany would makeit the law. cbs 2's sonia rincon with thestory. oh, no!rероrtеr: dashcam video canprovide critical evidence in aninvestigation of a crash or acrime. that's why these lawmakers fromqueens want to requireinsurance companies to offer adiscounts of 5% to drivers whouse them. state senator jose peralta saysthe cams can help stop fraud. they are possible in rush hour. accident fakers are a problem. in they feel they are beingtaped by a dashcam then maybethey will think twice beforeengaging in reckless drivingleaving the scene of anaccident. reporter: here on queensboulevard notorious foraccidents most drivers were onboard. if you are a responsibledriver sometimes accidentshappen but you still have thefootage. it's going to have it. a guy cuts in front of you,you run into a accidents andyou know it's not your fault. it's a great idea. reporter: they can go from$60 to up to $500. it detects the shock andwill take that footage fiveminutes off that footage andcreate a special file. rероrtеr: salesman says theycan even go back in time torecord a crucial moment. it goes back about 30seconds as far as the cachefile. rероrtеr: a dashcam ispopular with cabdrivers becauseit has two lenses. they can see what's going oninside the car and out. but are they cost-effective forinsurance companies anddrivers?aaa is doing a study to findout. we need more data. we need to be able to quantifyit better as to whether or nota discount is merited. rероrtеr: he says likeseatbelts, airbags and backup